B.O.C.K. Part 2: Reverse engineering Egg, Inc.
Reverse engineering the network traffic of Egg, Inc. to get data for a Discord bot

This post is part of the B.O.C.K. series.
To make a Discord bot to help organize co-op teams in Egg, Inc., I needed to get data from the game. There are no documented APIs, so I was going to have to reverse engineer the game’s network traffic.
Charles Proxy
Charles Proxy allows you to intercept network traffic. You can even use it to intercept encrypted HTTPS traffic from your iPhone. Perfect! So I set up my iPhone to use Charles Proxy as a proxy server, and started the game.
Whenever I opened the game, I would see a number of requests and responses. The response to
had almost 100kb of Base64-encoded data. The rest of the traffic didn’t look
half as interesting, and when I started there was probably not even half of what is shown in the
After decoding, it was still mostly unintelligible, but slightly less so. It was in a binary format, so I grabbed a hex editor and started looking for patterns.
As you can see in the image below, there are some repeating patterns. At the start of the file I could see my in-game name, and my iCloud ID. I was on the right track.
There was a lot of data, but I couldn’t make sense of most of it. I had seen APIs use JSON or XML, but I’d never seen anything like this before. And since I did see my name and iCloud ID, I knew I wasn’t looking at encrypted data.
After a little bit of research, I figured out that the data was probably serialized using Protocol Buffers. This is a binary format for serializing structured data. It competes with the likes of JSON and XML, but is much more compact and faster to parse. However, it is not human-readable.
To make sense it you need a Protocol buffer definitions file. These .proto
files contain the
structure of the data, called messages. They define the names and types of the data, which a
program uses to encode outgoing and decode incoming messages. For example, a message could be
defined as follows:
message User {
required int32 id = 1;
required string name = 2;
repeated Post posts = 3;
message Post {
required string title = 1;
required string content = 2;
Without a definitions file, you only have two pieces of information: a sequence number and the raw
bytes of data. You don’t even know how to interpret the data; whether it’s a string
, an int32
something else. It’s the sequence number that links the data to the definitions file and tells the
program how to interpret it. This is the purpose of the = 1
and = 2
in the example above.
Reverse engineering
To get the data in a state I could work with, I started the process of reverse engineering the Protocol buffer definitions file. First, I started by looking for patterns in the response data. I noticed that there were a lot of bytes that were appearing in a certain cadence.
There were a lot of blank chunks, just bytes of zeroes, intermingled with consistent structures with repeating elements, where I had also noticed a number that increased by one each time. This is our sequence number!
I can’t remember how I figured out the message boundaries and types, but this is a snippet of the
first iteration of my egginc.proto
message msg7 {
int32 unknown1 = 1; // 17 for me, highest egg reached or something?
uint64 ge_total = 2;
uint32 ge_spent = 3;
uint64 soul_eggs = 4;
double prestige_earnings = 5;
double lifetime_earnings = 6;
uint32 piggy_bank = 7;
uint32 unknown8 = 8;
repeated name_level epic_research = 9;
double unknown10 = 10; // looks like a timestamp
repeated name_level newspaper = 11;
double unknown12 = 12; // looks like a timestamp
double unknown13 = 13;
double video_expire_time = 14; // looks like a timestamp
repeated name_level achievement = 15;
uint32 unknown16 = 16;
uint32 unknown17 = 17;
repeated uint32 unknown18 = 18; // "highest amount of chickens obtained on that egg"
repeated uint32 unknown19 = 19; // "level of trophy obtained for their respective eggs"
uint32 unknown20 = 20; // related to daily gift "day"
uint64 unknown23 = 23;
uint32 unknown24 = 24;
uint32 unknown25 = 25;
double unknown26 = 26;
double unknown27 = 27;
After a while I realized that I wasn’t going to be able to wade through almost 100,000 bytes of raw binary data by hand. I would have to find a way to get a Protobuf definitions file somehow.
Any application that serializes and deserializes Protobuf messages needs to have the definition of the messages somewhere. Egg, Inc. is available on both the App Store and the Google Play Store. This means that I could look for the Android app’s APK1 file, which I downloaded and extracted.
Unfortunately, there was no ready-made egginc.proto
file to be found. The definitions had to be
there somewhere, so I was going to have to dig a little deeper. There were a few compiled Android
Library (.so
) files that looked interesting, so I grabbed my hex editor again and loaded up those
binary data.
When looking through libegginc.so
, I saw the string ei.proto
(highlighted in the image above). I
struck gold! Everything was here! Message names, property names, types (represented by a number),
With some good old Regex I wrote a tool2 to help me parse the data.
const val START = "ei.proto\u0012\u0002ei\u001A\u000Ccommon.proto"
const val END = "\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000"
val componentPattern = """\x0A.{0,2}?(?<name>[A-Za-z]+)(?<body>.*?)(?=\x0A.[A-Z][a-z]|$)"""
val classPattern = """[a-z\d_]{3,}"""
val propertyPattern = """\x0A.(?<name>\w+).(?<index>.).*?(?<repeated>.)\x28(?<primitive>.)(?:\x32.\..+?\.(?<reference>[A-Za-z.]*))?"""
val constantPattern = """(?<name>[A-Z_]{2,})\x10(?<index>.).*?(?:\x0A|$)"""
// …
fun Int.toType(): String = when (this) {
1 -> "double"
2 -> "float"
5 -> "int32"
4 -> "uint64"
8 -> "bool"
9 -> "string"
13 -> "uint32"
else -> "??? ($this)"
// …
It took me a lot of time to get the Regex right and to get the types down from the numbers. I also had to figure out how to parse the repeated elements and where messages started and ended, but I got there in the end.
The output of this tool much more helpful than my previous attempts at reading the data by hand.
message Game {
Egg max_egg_reached = 1;
uint64 golden_eggs_earned = 2;
uint64 golden_eggs_spent = 3;
uint64 soul_eggs = 4;
double prestige_cash_earned = 5;
double lifetime_cash_earned = 6;
uint64 piggy_bank = 7;
uint32 permit_level = 8;
repeated Backup.ResearchItem epic_research = 9;
double next_daily_gift_time = 10;
repeated Backup.NewsHeadline news = 11;
double last_news_time = 12;
double current_multiplier = 13;
double current_multiplier_expiration = 14;
repeated Backup.AchievementInfo achievements = 15;
uint64 uncliamed_golden_eggs = 16;
uint64 unclaimed_soul_eggs = 17;
repeated uint64 max_farm_size_reached = 18;
repeated uint32 egg_medal_level = 19;
uint32 last_daily_gift_collected_day = 20;
uint32 current_farm = 22;
uint64 eggs_of_prophecy = 23;
uint64 unclaimed_eggs_of_prophecy = 24;
bool long_idle_notification_set = 25;
double long_idle_notification_threshold = 26;
double long_idle_reward = 27;
uint32 num_daily_gifts_collected = 28;
bool hyperloop_station = 29;
repeated Backup.OwnedBoost boosts = 30;
bool piggy_full_alert_shown = 31;
uint32 total_time_cheats_detected = 32;
double prestige_soul_boost_cash = 33;
double soul_eggs_d = 34;
double unclaimed_soul_eggs_d = 35;
bool force_elite_contracts = 36;
double new_player_event_end_time = 37;
As you can see, my suspicion from my first attempt that uint32 unknown1 = 1;
represented the
highest egg reached was indeed correct. I even coupled the value of the uint32
to the Egg
that I also pulled from the library file. It was all coming together.
Communicating with the game servers
I set up the project so that it automatically generates classes based on the Protocol buffer definitions and use a library to do the serialization and deserialization for me.
Every time the game launches, it synchronizes the game state with the server. This was the big response I was seeing early on in Charles. I was able to reverse engineer a request message for that initial data exchange request, and lo and behold, the server gave me the entire game state of my Egg, Inc. game!
The next steps were clear: Create a database of player credentials to request those backups, create a Discord bot for them to interact with, and have them start organizing co-ops with it.
Note: The creators of Egg, Inc. have had to deal with cheaters in the past. Security has been much improved since then.
B.O.C.K. has only ever sent read-only requests. Please be a decent human being and don’t cheat.
B.O.C.K. series
- B.O.C.K. Part 1: Introduction
- B.O.C.K. Part 2: Reverse engineering Egg, Inc.